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IDISNetwork Interface

Customize MACE to meet your Live-Virtual-Constructive Simulation and Training Requirements.

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:BSI.MACE.Network.DIS.IDISNetwork"]

Namespace:  BSI.MACE.Network.DIS
Assembly:  BSILib (in BSILib.dll) Version: (
public interface IDISNetwork

The IDISNetwork type exposes the following members.

Public propertyConfig
Public methodSendDataPDU(disStructureDataFixedDatumInt32Packet)
Sends the provided Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendDataPDU(disStructureDataFixedDatumSinglePacket)
Sends the provided Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendDataPDU(disStructureDataFixedDatumUInt32Packet)
Sends the provided Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendDataPDU(disStructureDataVariableDatumPacket)
Sends the provided Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendDesignatorPDU
Sends the provided Designator PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendDetonationPDU
Sends the provided Munition Detonation PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendElectromagneticEmissionPDU
Sends the provided Electromagnetic Emission PDU onto the MACE DIS network.
Public methodSendEntityStatePDU
Sends the provided Entity State PDU onto the MACE DIS network.
Public methodSendFirePDU
Sends the provided Weapon Fire PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendReceiverPDU
Sends the provided Receiver PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendSetDataPDU(disStructureDataFixedDatumInt32Packet)
Sends the provided Set Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendSetDataPDU(disStructureDataFixedDatumSinglePacket)
Sends the provided Set Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendSetDataPDU(disStructureDataFixedDatumUInt32Packet)
Sends the provided Set Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendSetDataPDU(disStructureDataVariableDatumPacket)
Sends the provided Set Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendSetDataPDU(disStructureDataVariableDoublePacket)
Sends the provided Set Data PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendSignalPDU
Sends the provided Signal PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendStartResumePDU
Sends the provided Start/Resume PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendStopFreezePDU
Sends the provided Stop/Freeze PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public methodSendTransmitterPDU
Sends the provided Transmitter PDU onto the MACE DIS Network
Public eventDataPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received a Data PDU
Public eventDataPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent a Data PDU
Public eventDesignatorPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received a Designator PDU
Public eventDesignatorPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent a Designator PDU
Public eventDetonationPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received a Detonation PDU
Public eventDetonationPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent a Detonation PDU
Public eventElectromagneticEmissionPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received an Entity State PDU
Public eventElectromagneticEmissionPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent an Entity State PDU
Public eventEntityStatePDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received an Entity State PDU
Public eventEntityStatePDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent an Entity State PDU
Public eventFirePDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received a Fire PDU
Public eventFirePDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent a Fire PDU
Public eventReceiverPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received an Entity State PDU
Public eventReceiverPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent an Entity State PDU
Public eventSetDataPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received a Data PDU
Public eventSetDataPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent a Data PDU
Public eventSignalPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received an Entity State PDU
Public eventSignalPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent an Entity State PDU
Public eventStartResumePDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received an Entity State PDU
Public eventStartResumePDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent an Entity State PDU
Public eventStopFreezePDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received an Entity State PDU
Public eventStopFreezePDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent an Entity State PDU
Public eventTransmitterPDUReceived
Notification that MACE has received an Entity State PDU
Public eventTransmitterPDUSent
Notification that MACE has sent an Entity State PDU
See Also