The Device Simulation Container (DSC) is an application enabling development of simulated devices which require accurate representation of the human machine interface (HMI). The BSI DIS radio software Viper is built in DSC.

Viper DIS Radio Simulation

Viper simulates military communications over simulation networks with customizable user interfaces (‘skins’) emulating the look and selected functionality of current Mil-Spec devices. The Viper Radio Simulation is a low-cost, Windows-based, reliable and complete alternative to more expensive server-dependent DIS radios. It is compatible with all other DIS standard radios, and no server is required to run Viper, each radio provides all the features you might expect to find in a large-scale system.

All Viper radios have physics-based signal degradation built into each radio that simulates propagation losses including, frequency spreading loss, Fresnel zone and diffraction over terrain. Signals fade gracefully (depending on frequency) as line-of-sight is lost with increasing static.

Viper simulation

DSC – Designed for Equipment Emulation

DSC is an open architecture application that allows third parties to develop, add to, or extend functionality using an Application Programming Interface (API). Create new simulated devices, inherit from existing devices, or even host the entire system in another application.

We have used internally it to make many BSI products including: Viper Radio and Skins, B-EAGR, SA-8 Operator Station and many more.