BSI delivers an additional 8 MACE licenses to QuantaDyn Corporation for use in the Air National Guard’s C-130 Multi-Mission Crew Trainer (MMCT) simulation system. The MMCT is a high-fidelity, non-motion, C-130 flight simulator that will support pilot, co-pilot and flight engineer training in a full spectrum of flight operations. The MMCT creates a full suite of emulated, stimulated and virtual scenarios in various environments. With features like actual geo-specific visual databases and home field inserts, pilots can virtually take off and land practically anywhere in the world. The training system allows users to experience various simulation environments while allowing full instructor oversight and scenario control. The instructor can apply random or configurable scenario changes and leverage replay capability to conduct robust mission debriefs.
MACE is a physics-based entity and threat environment model providing a full-spectrum constructive simulated battlespace.