Beyond Accreditation
JTAC and Joint Fires live training are costly and challenging to conduct effectively due to real-world constraints. Our software goes well beyond the usual accredited Joint Fires Training. To prepare for a near-peer adversary it is important to accurately model contested environments, including how communications, weapons and sensors are affected by electronic attack and countermeasures. That comes as standard with MACE, as does out-of-the box compatibility with fielded digitally aided joint fires systems.
![bsi_joint-fires_intro-section Night vision in joint fires simulation](
Accredited and in use across the globe
MACE is used all over the world for fully accredited Joint Fires training systems to great effect, because with MACE you get more than basic fires training. BSI software enables you to simulate accredited joint fires training to a level of fidelity that is not possible in game-based systems.
Joint Fires Training in Contested Battlespaces
Unlike game-based systems, MACE and ARMOR simulate combat to a high level of fidelity. Multi-mode seekers, countermeasures, datalinks and jamming effects are all modelled, bringing Joint Fires training into contested battlespaces representative of near-peer adversaries.
Simulate Modern Weapons
Net-enabled weapons
Loitering weapons
Multi-mode seekers
Weapon-on-weapon engagement
Simulate Modern Equipment
AESA/PESA radar systems
High powered microwaves
Directed energy weapons
Drone swarms
Digitally-aided Close Air Support via Military Standards
Variable Message Format (VMF)
Cursor-on-Target (COT)
Featured Products
![bsi_product_mace-logo_original MACE](
Modern Air Combat Environment (MACE)
Full-spectrum battlespace simulation software for building and executing scenarios across multiple domains, simulated in high detail including pulse level electromagnetic spectrum modeling.
![bsi_product_armor-logo ARMOR](
Augmented Reality Mission Observation & Rehearsal (ARMOR)
Worldwide scale Unity based 3D visual image generator. Interact with the simulation from any perspective; from first-person control to table-top planning. Use multiple visual systems from screens and multichannel systems and extending to virtual and mixed reality. Generate terrain anywhere in the world without any prior GIS expertise.
![bsi_product_dsc-viper-logo DSC & Viper](
Viper and DSC
Viper simulates military communications over simulation networks with customizable user interfaces (‘skins’) emulating the look and selected functionality of current Mil-Spec devices. All Viper radios have physics-based signal modelling meaning that communications are subject to propagation loss as well as environmental factors and electronic attack. The Device Simulation Container (DSC) enables rapid development of DIS, terrain and signal-aware devices with human-machine interfaces, such as radios, radar systems and EW displays.
![bsi_product_discord-logo DIScord](
DIScord is a simple yet powerful DIS network traffic record and playback tool. If using with MACE, additional logging enables more data to be logged to the DIScord files than standard DIS, enabling deeper analysis. With MACE/ARMOR and Viper (or other DIS based products), you can playback the exercise in intimate detail from multiple perspectives.