BSI Delivers Latest Combined Arms Virtual Environment (CAVE)
JTAC Training System
to the Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific (EWTGPAC)

BSI has designed and delivered a Combined Arms Virtual Environment (CAVE) JTAC training system to the Expeditionary Warfare Training Group Pacific (EWTGPAC) in San Diego, CA. The CAVE training system provides an immersive, large field of view, partial dome display for individual and team training in the employment of sea and land-based supporting arms and close air support. The CAVE is comprised of four main positions, the Student stations in the DOME, the Instructor station, Role-Player station and a Supporting Arms station in an adjoining classroom. The Supporting Arms Station can be used for additional instruction, mission building/testing, or an additional Role-Player station. BSI also designed and delivered several Emulated Military Equipment (EME) devices to include the Portable Lightweight Designator/Rangefinder (PLDR), Vector-21 Night Binoculars, and IZLID Infrared Illuminator. The CAVE system uses a complete suite of BSI software and hardware, to include MACE, Viper DIS radio, DISCord, Open Street Map server, combat radio interface, and EME. MetaVR’s VRSG provides all image generation for the CAVE systems.
MACE's New Plug-In Architecture
For more information regarding the CAVE JTAC System, or other BSI products, capabilities, and services, please select the contact button below.