Computer Generated Forces

Multiple major weapons systems with diverse requirements are using our flagship product MACE as their muti-domain Computer Generated Forces (CGF) software of choice. It drives full mission simulators (fixed-wing, rotary-wing, JTAC domes, MQ-9 and more) and provides tactical combat simulation and pattern of life in distributed simulation systems.

Certified to the Highest Standards

MACE is regularly used as a multi-domain CGF in the Distributed Mission Operations Network (DMON), as part of the Combat Air Forces Distributed Mission Operations (CAF-DMO) Program. MACE is also often used as a host for multiple image generator software applications using the Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) and Common Image Generator Interface (CIGI) standards laid down by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO).

CGF Tools

Tools and Customization Reduce Workload

MACE includes many tools and interfaces that reduce user workload when operating as a ‘white force’ or scenario admin. The intuitive plain-English scripting interface allows users to make and customize their own automated and semi-automated ‘buttonizable’ functions and behaviors for controlling platforms and other parts of the scenario. Standard military doctrinal layouts for: call for fire, CAS-9 Line, RW and Gunship 5-Lines, and fire plans give military users a familiar interface for calling in effects.

  In one of our more notable missions, we were able to penetrate a real threat and were undetected. We assess that MACE/ARMOR directly contributed to the aircrews’ survivability and mission success.


  My fellow AMSO’s, BDE SP and BDE ASO were all very impressed with its analytical power and speed at which it could evaluate our risk and make necessary adjustments. I think this is a valuable piece of equipment with rapid analytical power that can provide a step up in our ability to analyze our plan against the threat, improve the plan moving forward, and nest airspace to deconflict with both blue force as well as the red force threat.


  The ability for this system to generate a local database for any place on the globe is simply amazing.


  MACE is our Swiss Army SAF. 


Featured Products


Modern Air Combat Environment (MACE)

Full-spectrum battlespace simulation software for building and executing scenarios across multiple domains, simulated in high detail including pulse level electromagnetic spectrum modeling.


Augmented Reality Mission Observation & Rehearsal (ARMOR)

Worldwide scale Unity based 3D visual image generator. Interact with the simulation from any perspective from first-person control to table-top planning. Use multiple visual systems from screens and multichannel systems and extending to virtual and mixed reality. Generate terrain anywhere in the world without any prior GIS expertise.

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